Interface DefinitionsService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DefinitionsService
    A service to retrieve definition information about core context server entities such as conditions, actions and values.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllConditionTypes

        Collection<ConditionType> getAllConditionTypes()
        Retrieves all condition types.
        a Collection of all collection types
      • getConditionTypesByTag

        Set<ConditionType> getConditionTypesByTag​(String tag)
        Retrieves the set of condition types with the specified tag.
        tag - the tag marking the condition types we want to retrieve
        the set of condition types with the specified tag (and its sub-tags, if specified)
      • getConditionTypesBySystemTag

        Set<ConditionType> getConditionTypesBySystemTag​(String tag)
        Retrieves the set of condition types with the specified system tag.
        tag - the system tag marking the condition types we want to retrieve
        the set of condition types with the specified tag (and its sub-tags, if specified)
      • getConditionType

        ConditionType getConditionType​(String id)
        Retrieves the condition type associated with the specified identifier.
        id - the identifier of the condition type to retrieve
        the condition type associated with the specified identifier or null if no such condition type exists
      • setConditionType

        void setConditionType​(ConditionType conditionType)
        Stores the condition type
        conditionType - the condition type to store
      • removeConditionType

        void removeConditionType​(String id)
        Remove the condition type
        id - the condition type to remove
      • getAllActionTypes

        Collection<ActionType> getAllActionTypes()
        Retrieves all known action types.
        all known action types
      • getActionTypeByTag

        Set<ActionType> getActionTypeByTag​(String tag)
        Retrieves the set of action types with the specified tag.
        tag - the tag marking the action types we want to retrieve
        the set of action types with the specified tag
      • getActionTypeBySystemTag

        Set<ActionType> getActionTypeBySystemTag​(String tag)
        Retrieves the set of action types with the specified system tag.
        tag - the system tag marking the action types we want to retrieve
        the set of action types with the specified tag
      • getActionType

        ActionType getActionType​(String id)
        Retrieves the action type associated with the specified identifier.
        id - the identifier of the action type to retrieve
        the action type associated with the specified identifier or null if no such action type exists
      • setActionType

        void setActionType​(ActionType actionType)
        Stores the action type
        actionType - the action type to store
      • removeActionType

        void removeActionType​(String id)
        Remove the action type
        id - the action type to remove
      • getAllValueTypes

        Collection<ValueType> getAllValueTypes()
        Retrieves all known value types.
        all known value types
      • getValueTypeByTag

        Set<ValueType> getValueTypeByTag​(String tag)
        Retrieves the set of value types with the specified tag.
        tag - the tag marking the value types we want to retrieve
        the set of value types with the specified tag
      • getValueType

        ValueType getValueType​(String id)
        Retrieves the value type associated with the specified identifier.
        id - the identifier of the value type to retrieve
        the value type associated with the specified identifier or null if no such value type exists
      • getTypesByPlugin

        Map<Long,​List<PluginType>> getTypesByPlugin()
        Retrieves a Map of plugin identifier to a list of plugin types defined by that particular plugin.
        a Map of plugin identifier to a list of plugin types defined by that particular plugin
      • getPropertyMergeStrategyType

        PropertyMergeStrategyType getPropertyMergeStrategyType​(String id)
        Retrieves the property merge strategy type associated with the specified identifier.
        id - the identifier of the property merge strategy type to retrieve
        the property merge strategy type associated with the specified identifier or null if no such property merge strategy type exists
      • extractConditionsByType

        Set<Condition> extractConditionsByType​(Condition rootCondition,
                                               String typeId)
        Retrieves all conditions of the specified type from the specified root condition. TODO: remove?
        rootCondition - the condition from which we want to extract all conditions with the specified type
        typeId - the identifier of the condition type we want conditions to extract to match
        a set of conditions contained in the specified root condition and matching the specified condition type or an empty set if no such condition exists
      • extractConditionByTag

        Condition extractConditionByTag​(Condition rootCondition,
                                        String tag)
        As of 1.2.0-incubating, please use extractConditionBySystemTag(Condition, String) instead
        Retrieves a condition matching the specified tag identifier from the specified root condition. TODO: remove from API and move to a different class? TODO: purpose and behavior not clear
        rootCondition - the root condition where to start the extraction by class
        tag - the tag to use to extract the condition
        Condition the condition that has been found matching the tag, or null if none matched
      • extractConditionBySystemTag

        Condition extractConditionBySystemTag​(Condition rootCondition,
                                              String systemTag)
        Retrieves a condition matching the specified system tag identifier from the specified root condition.
        rootCondition - the root condition where to start the extraction by class
        systemTag - the tag to use to extract the condition
        Condition the condition that has been found matching the tag, or null if none matched
      • resolveConditionType

        boolean resolveConditionType​(Condition rootCondition)
        Resolves (if possible) the ConditionTypes for the specified condition and its sub-conditions (if any) from the type identifiers existing on the specified condition TODO: remove from API and move to a different class?
        rootCondition - the condition for which we want to resolve the condition types from the existing condition type identifiers
      • refresh

        void refresh()
        Forces a refresh of the definitions from the persistence service. Warning: this may seriously impact performance so it is recommended to use this in specific cases such as for example in integration tests.
      • getConditionBuilder

        ConditionBuilder getConditionBuilder()
        Retrieves a new instance of a ConditionBuilder to help to build conditions.
        a new instance of a ConditionBuilder