Interface PrivacyService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PrivacyService
    This service regroups all privacy-related operations
    • Method Detail

      • getServerInfo

        ServerInfo getServerInfo()
        Retrieves the default base Apache Unomi server information, including the name and version of the server, build time information and the event types if recognizes as well as the capabilities supported by the system. For more detailed information about the system and extensions use the getServerInfos method.
        a ServerInfo object with all the server information
      • getServerInfos

        List<ServerInfo> getServerInfos()
        Retrieves the list of the server information objects, that include extensions. Each object includes the name and version of the server, build time information and the event types if recognizes as well as the capabilities supported by the system.
        a list of ServerInfo objects with all the server information
      • deleteProfile

        Boolean deleteProfile​(String profileId)
        Deletes the current profile (but has no effect on sessions and events). This will delete the persisted profile and replace it with a new empty one with the same profileId.
        profileId - the identifier of the profile to delete and replace
        true if the deletion was successful
      • anonymizeProfile

        Boolean anonymizeProfile​(String profileId,
                                 String scope)
        This method will "anonymize" a profile by removing from the associated profile all the properties that have been defined as "denied properties".
        profileId - the identifier of the profile that needs to be anonymized.
        scope - The scope will be used to send events, once for the anonymizeProfile event, the other for the profileUpdated event
        true if the profile had some properties purged, false otherwise
      • anonymizeBrowsingData

        Boolean anonymizeBrowsingData​(String profileId)
        This method will anonymize browsing data by creating an anonymous profile for the current profile, and then re-associating all the profile's sessions and events with the new anonymous profile todo this method does not anonymize any session or event properties that may contain profile data (such as the login event)
        profileId - the identifier of the profile on which to perform the anonymizations of the browsing data
        true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
      • deleteProfileData

        Boolean deleteProfileData​(String profileId,
                                  boolean purgeData)
        This method will perform two operations, first it will call the anonymizeBrowsingData method on the specified profile, and then it will delete the profile from the persistence service.
        profileId - the identifier of the profile
        purgeData - flag that indicates whether to purge the profile's data
        true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
      • setRequireAnonymousBrowsing

        Boolean setRequireAnonymousBrowsing​(String profileId,
                                            boolean anonymous,
                                            String scope)
        Controls the activation/deactivation of anonymous browsing. This method will simply set a system property called requireAnonymousProfile that will be then use to know if we should associate browsing data with the main profile or the associated anonymous profile. Note that changing this setting will also reset the goals and pastEvents system properties for the profile.
        profileId - the identifier of the profile on which to set the anonymous browsing property flag
        anonymous - the value of the anonymous browsing flag.
        scope - a scope used to send a profileUpdated event internally
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • isRequireAnonymousBrowsing

        Boolean isRequireAnonymousBrowsing​(String profileId)
        Tests if the anonymous browsing flag is set of the specified profile.
        profileId - the identifier of the profile on which we want to retrieve the anonymous browsing flag
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • isRequireAnonymousBrowsing

        Boolean isRequireAnonymousBrowsing​(Profile profile)
        Tests if the anonymous browsing flag is set of the specified profile.
        profile - the profile on which we want to retrieve the anonymous browsing flag
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • getAnonymousProfile

        Profile getAnonymousProfile​(Profile profile)
        Build a new anonymous profile (but doesn't persist it in the persistence service). This will also copy the profile properties from the passed profile that are not listed as denied properties.
        profile - the profile for which to create the anonymous profile
        a newly created (but not persisted) profile for the passed profile.
      • getFilteredEventTypes

        List<String> getFilteredEventTypes​(String profileId)
        Retrieve the list of events that the profile has deactivated. For each profile a visitor may indicate that he doesn't want some events to be collected. This method retrieves this list from the specified profile
        profileId - the identifier for the profile for which we want to retrieve the list of forbidden event types
        a list of event types
      • getFilteredEventTypes

        List<String> getFilteredEventTypes​(Profile profile)
        Retrieve the list of events that the profile has deactivated. For each profile a visitor may indicate that he doesn't want some events to be collected. This method retrieves this list from the specified profile
        profile - the profile for which we want to retrieve the list of forbidden event types
        a list of event types
      • setFilteredEventTypes

        Boolean setFilteredEventTypes​(String profileId,
                                      List<String> eventTypes)
        Set the list of filtered event types for a profile. This is the list of event types that the visitor has specified he does not want the server to collect.
        profileId - the identifier of the profile on which to filter the events
        eventTypes - a list of event types that will be filter for the profile
        true if successfull, false otherwise.
      • getDeniedProperties

        List<String> getDeniedProperties​(String profileId)
        Gets the list of denied properties. These are properties marked with a personal identifier tag.
        profileId - the identified of the profile
        a list of profile properties identifiers that are marked as personally identifying
      • setDeniedProperties

        Boolean setDeniedProperties​(String profileId,
                                    List<String> propertyNames)
        As of version 1.3.0-incubating, do not use this method, instead mark properties with the personal identifier tag which will mark them as denied by the getDeniedProperties method
        Sets the list of denied properties.
        profileId - the profile for which to see the denied properties
        propertyNames - the property names to be denied
        null all the time, this method is not used and is marked as deprecated
      • getDeniedPropertyDistribution

        List<String> getDeniedPropertyDistribution​(String profileId)
        As of version 1.3.0-incubating, do not use this method
        This method doesn't do anything anymore please don't use it
        profileId - the identifier of the profile
        do not use
      • setDeniedPropertyDistribution

        Boolean setDeniedPropertyDistribution​(String profileId,
                                              List<String> propertyNames)
        As of version 1.3.0-incubating, do not use this method
        This method doesn't do anything anymore please don't use it
        profileId - the identifier of the profile
        propertyNames - do not use
        do not use
      • removeProperty

        Boolean removeProperty​(String profileId,
                               String propertyName)
        Removes a property from the specified profile. This change is persisted.
        profileId - the identifier of the profile
        propertyName - the name of the property to remove
        true if sucessfull, false otherwise