Class CampaignsServiceEndPoint

  • @Produces("application/json")
    public class CampaignsServiceEndPoint
    extends Object
    A JAX-RS endpoint to manage Campaigns and related information.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CampaignsServiceEndPoint

        public CampaignsServiceEndPoint()
    • Method Detail

      • setGoalsService

        public void setGoalsService​(GoalsService goalsService)
      • getCampaignMetadatas

        public Set<Metadata> getCampaignMetadatas()
        Retrieves the set of Metadata associated with existing campaigns.
        the set of Metadata associated with existing campaigns
      • setCampaignDefinition

        public void setCampaignDefinition​(Campaign campaign)
        Saves the specified campaign in the context server and creates associated Rules if the campaign is enabled.
        campaign - the Campaign to be saved
      • getCampaignMetadatas

        public Set<Metadata> getCampaignMetadatas​(Query query)
        Retrieves the set of Metadata associated with existing campaign matching the specified Query
        query - the Query used to filter the campagins which metadata we want to retrieve
        the set of Metadata associated with existing campaigns matching the specified Query
      • getCampaignDetails

        public PartialList<CampaignDetail> getCampaignDetails​(Query query)
        Retrieves campaign details for campaigns matching the specified query.
        query - the query specifying which campaigns to retrieve
        a PartialList of campaign details for the campaigns matching the specified query
      • getCampaignDetail

        public CampaignDetail getCampaignDetail​(@PathParam("campaignID")
                                                String campaignID)
        Retrieves the CampaignDetail associated with the campaign identified with the specified identifier
        campaignID - the identifier of the campaign for which we want to retrieve the details
        the CampaignDetail for the campaign identified by the specified identifier or null if no such campaign exists
      • getCampaignDefinition

        public Campaign getCampaignDefinition​(@PathParam("campaignID")
                                              String campaignID)
        Retrieves the campaign identified by the specified identifier
        campaignID - the identifier of the campaign we want to retrieve
        the campaign associated with the specified identifier or null if no such campaign exists
      • removeCampaignDefinition

        public void removeCampaignDefinition​(@PathParam("campaignID")
                                             String campaignID)
        Removes the campaign associated with the specified identifier, also removing associated rules if needed.
        campaignID - the identifier of the campaign to be removed
      • setCampaignEventDefinition

        public void setCampaignEventDefinition​(CampaignEvent campaignEvent)
        Saves the specified campaign event in the context server.
        campaignEvent - the CampaignEvent to be saved
      • removeCampaignEventDefinition

        public void removeCampaignEventDefinition​(@PathParam("eventId")
                                                  String campaignEventID)
        Removes the campaign event associated with the specified identifier.
        campaignEventID - the identifier of the campaign event to be removed
      • getCampaignEvents

        public PartialList<CampaignEvent> getCampaignEvents​(Query query)
        Retrieves CampaignEvents matching the specified query.
        query - the Query specifying which CampaignEvents to retrieve
        a PartialList of campaign events matching the specified query