Class RulesServiceEndPoint

  • @Produces("application/json")
    public class RulesServiceEndPoint
    extends Object
    A JAX-RS endpoint to manage Rules.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RulesServiceEndPoint

        public RulesServiceEndPoint()
    • Method Detail

      • setRulesService

        public void setRulesService​(RulesService rulesService)
      • getRuleMetadatas

        public Set<Metadata> getRuleMetadatas()
        Retrieves the metadata for all known rules. Note that it only includes the rules in memory, not those persisted in storage.
        the Set of known metadata
      • setRule

        public void setRule​(Rule rule)
        Persists the specified rule to the context server.
        rule - the rule to be persisted
      • getAllRuleStatistics

        public Map<String,​RuleStatistics> getAllRuleStatistics()
        Retrieves the rule statistics for all known rules.
        a map that contains the rule key as a key and as the value a @RuleStatistics object.
      • resetAllRuleStatistics

        public void resetAllRuleStatistics()
        Deletes all the rule statistics, which basically resets them to 0.
      • getRuleMetadatas

        public PartialList<Metadata> getRuleMetadatas​(Query query)
        Retrieves rule metadatas for rules matching the specified Query.
        query - the query the rules which metadata we want to retrieve must match
        a PartialList of rules metadata for the rules matching the specified query
      • getRuleDetails

        public PartialList<Rule> getRuleDetails​(Query query)
        Retrieves rule details for rules matching the specified query.
        query - the query specifying which rules to retrieve
        a PartialList of rule details for the rules matching the specified query
      • getRule

        public Rule getRule​(@PathParam("ruleId")
                            String ruleId)
        Retrieves the rule identified by the specified identifier.
        ruleId - the identifier of the rule we want to retrieve
        the rule identified by the specified identifier or null if no such rule exists.
      • getRuleStatistics

        public RuleStatistics getRuleStatistics​(@PathParam("ruleId")
                                                String ruleId)
        Retrieves the statistics for the rule with the specified identifier
        ruleId - the identifier of the rule we want to retrieve
        the statistics for the specified rule or null if no such rule exists.
      • removeRule

        public void removeRule​(@PathParam("ruleId")
                               String ruleId)
        Deletes the rule identified by the specified identifier.
        ruleId - the identifier of the rule we want to delete
      • resetQueries

        public void resetQueries()
        As of version 1.1.0-incubating, not needed anymore
        TODO: remove