Class SegmentServiceEndPoint

  • @Produces("application/json")
    public class SegmentServiceEndPoint
    extends Object
    A JAX-RS endpoint to manage Segments.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SegmentServiceEndPoint

        public SegmentServiceEndPoint()
    • Method Detail

      • setSegmentService

        public void setSegmentService​(SegmentService segmentService)
      • getMatchingIndividuals

        public PartialList<Profile> getMatchingIndividuals​(@PathParam("segmentID")
                                                           String segmentId,
                                                           @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0")
                                                           int offset,
                                                           @QueryParam("size") @DefaultValue("50")
                                                           int size,
                                                           String sortBy)
        Retrieves a list of profiles matching the conditions defined by the segment identified by the specified identifier, ordered according to the specified sortBy String and and paged: only size of them are retrieved, starting with the offset-th one.
        segmentId - the identifier of the segment for which we want to retrieve matching profiles
        offset - zero or a positive integer specifying the position of the first element in the total ordered collection of matching elements
        size - a positive integer specifying how many matching elements should be retrieved or -1 if all of them should be retrieved
        sortBy - an optional (null if no sorting is required) String of comma (,) separated property names on which ordering should be performed, ordering elements according to the property order in the String, considering each in turn and moving on to the next one in case of equality of all preceding ones. Each property name is optionally followed by a column (:) and an order specifier: asc or desc.
        a PartialList of profiles matching the specified segment
      • getMatchingIndividualsCount

        public long getMatchingIndividualsCount​(@PathParam("segmentID")
                                                String segmentId)
        Retrieves the number of profiles matching the conditions defined by the segment identified by the specified identifier.
        segmentId - the identifier of the segment for which we want to retrieve matching profiles
        the number of profiles matching the conditions defined by the segment identified by the specified identifier
      • isProfileInSegment

        public Boolean isProfileInSegment​(@PathParam("profile")
                                          Profile profile,
                                          String segmentId)
        Determines whether the specified profile is part of the segment identified by the specified identifier.
        profile - the profile we want to check
        segmentId - the identifier of the segment against which we want to check the profile
        true if the specified profile is in the specified segment, false otherwise
      • getSegmentMetadatas

        public List<Metadata> getSegmentMetadatas​(@QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0")
                                                  int offset,
                                                  @QueryParam("size") @DefaultValue("50")
                                                  int size,
                                                  String sortBy)
        Retrieves the 50 first segment metadatas.
        offset - zero or a positive integer specifying the position of the first element in the total ordered collection of matching elements
        size - a positive integer specifying how many matching elements should be retrieved or -1 if all of them should be retrieved
        sortBy - an optional (null if no sorting is required) String of comma (,) separated property names on which ordering should be performed, ordering elements according to the property order in the String, considering each in turn and moving on to the next one in case of equality of all preceding ones. Each property name is optionally followed by a column (:) and an order specifier: asc or desc.
        a List of the 50 first segment metadata
      • getSegmentDependentMetadata

        public DependentMetadata getSegmentDependentMetadata​(@PathParam("segmentID")
                                                             String segmentId)
        Retrieves the list of Segment and Scoring metadata depending on the specified segment. A segment or scoring is depending on a segment if it includes a profileSegmentCondition with a test on this segment.
        segmentId - the segment identifier
        a list of Segment/Scoring Metadata depending on the specified segment
      • setSegmentDefinition

        public void setSegmentDefinition​(Segment segment)
        Persists the specified segment in the context server.
        segment - the segment to be persisted
      • getListMetadatas

        public PartialList<Metadata> getListMetadatas​(Query query)
        Retrieves the metadata for segments matching the specified Query.
        query - the query that the segments must match for their metadata to be retrieved
        a PartialList of segment metadata
      • getSegmentDefinition

        public Segment getSegmentDefinition​(@PathParam("segmentID")
                                            String segmentId)
        Retrieves the segment identified by the specified identifier.
        segmentId - the identifier of the segment to be retrieved
        the segment identified by the specified identifier or null if no such segment exists
      • removeSegmentDefinition

        public DependentMetadata removeSegmentDefinition​(@PathParam("segmentID")
                                                         String segmentId,
                                                         boolean validate)
        Removes the segment definition identified by the specified identifier. We can specify that we want the operation to be validated beforehand so that we can know if any other segment that might use the segment we're trying to delete as a condition might be impacted. If validate is set to false, no validation is performed. If set to true, we will first check if any segment or scoring depends on the segment we're trying to delete and if so we will not delete the segment but rather return the list of the metadata of the impacted items. If no dependents are found, then we properly delete the segment.
        segmentId - the identifier of the segment we want to delete
        validate - whether or not to perform validation
        a list of impacted segment metadata if any or an empty list if none were found or validation was skipped
      • resetQueries

        public void resetQueries()
        As of version 1.1.0-incubating, not needed anymore
        TODO: remove