Class MigrationServiceImpl

    • Field Detail


        public static final Path MIGRATION_FS_SCRIPTS_FOLDER
    • Constructor Detail

      • MigrationServiceImpl

        public MigrationServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • activate

        public void activate​(org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext componentContext)
      • migrateUnomi

        public void migrateUnomi​(String originVersion,
                                 boolean skipConfirmation,
                          throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: MigrationService
        This will Migrate your data in ES to be compliant with current Unomi version. It's possible to configure the migration using OSGI configuration file: org.apache.unomi.migration.cfg, if no configuration is provided then questions will be prompted during the migration process. (only in case you are in karaf shell context, if not, a missing configuration will fail the migration process)
        Specified by:
        migrateUnomi in interface MigrationService
        originVersion - Origin version without suffix/qualifier (e.g: 1.2.0)
        skipConfirmation - Should the confirmation before starting the migration process be skipped ? (only supported in karaf shell context)
        session - Karaf shell session, for execution in Karaf shell context, null otherwise
      • setMigrationConfig

        public void setMigrationConfig​(MigrationConfig migrationConfig)