First Apache Unomi Meetup !
The first ever (online) community meetup of the Apache Unomi CDP project organized by the Apache project management committee (PMC) took place on Nov 18th, 2021 from 1600 to 1800 CET.
The event was recorded and you can view the event here.
When and where
November 18th, 2021 at 1600-1800 CET in an online meeting (see registration below).
Round table
Quick round table on who's who, and how much you love Unomi and what you are doing with it.
State of the Unomi (20 minutes) by Serge Huber, Apache Unomi PMC chair & Jahia CTO
Presentation, with details on what has happened recently on the project, what's coming up in version 1.6 and 2.0, and ideas for the future of Unomi.
How we use Unomi at Jahia (15 minutes) by Serge Huber, Jahia CTO
Presentation of how Jahia uses Apache Unomi as part of its DXP offering to provide added value to the CDP such as custom items, recommendations and custom pre-packaged & extensible analytics using Kibana.
How we built a open personalization engine for Drupal CMS using Apache Unomi (15 minutes) by Nick Veenhof, Dropsolid CTO
Learn from Nick how Dropsolid has integrated Apache Unomi with Drupal CMS and built some UI & integrations to leverage the CDP.
Apache Karaf 5 (15 minutes) by Jean-Baptise Onofré, Apache Karaf PMC chair & OpenSource Europe at Huawei
What's new in Apache Karaf 5 and how Unomi can leverage it.
Open discussion
Open discussion, on any subject related to Unomi and/or CDPs. The idea is to exchange in a free form format.
This event operated under the terms of The Apache Software Foundation Code of Conduct and its Privacy Policy.